3. Call your voicemail. Using the dial pad, type in the phone number assigned to your voicemail account, and then press the green Call button. Or, just press and hold the 1 key if that's easier.
Record a personalized greeting, up to 3 minutes long. A common template you can follow is: "You've reached [name]. We can't get to the phone right now, but if you leave a message, we'll call you back."
The best part about this visual voicemail app is that it can send you voicemail alerts even when your phone is off or out of network coverage. This …
1. Hello, you’ve reached [your name]. I’m currently unavailable, but leave your name and number and I’ll return your call as soon as I can.
To send to an email address with the message attached, check the box next to Attach new voicemail messages and send via email.
40. Hi, I’m not in right now, but if you leave a detailed message I’ll call you back promptly.
3. Provide other ways to contact you or get information. Are there other ways your caller can get information about your business or contact you? Consider including your website or an email in your after-hours greeting.
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8.) Добро пожаловать в отдел обслуживания «Вася Пупкин и Ко». К сожалению, на данный момент все линии заняты. Пожалуйста, оставьте сообщение после сигнала, укажите свое имя и номер телефона. Мы вам перезвоним как можно скорее. Мы желаем вам хорошего дня.
47. Hi, this is [name], [company]’s [job title]. I’m happy to help you with [task], but I’m currently away from my phone. Leave a quick message and I’ll return your call as soon as I can. Thanks!
10. Uncovering Competitor Info. When it comes to sales voicemail scripts, even the smallest details of a message significantly impact the response rates.
18. “Happy holidays! [I’m, the team at X company is] away until [date], however, we’ll make sure to call you back straight away when we return. If your request is urgent, email [emergency contact] at [email address]. Thanks, and have a wonderful [day, week].”
Expand your opening to with 'Thank you for calling [insert company/individual name]' or 'You've reached the voicemail of [insert company/individual name]'. This personal touch goes a long way towards building a rapport even when you're not available to answer the call directly.
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-Hi, you’ve reached _____________. Please leave a message after my kid stops (awkward moment of silence) owwwwwwwwwww that hurt!… continuing… after my kid stops hitting me in the back with his hockey stick! BEEP
Thanks for calling (ABC Inc). The office is closed in observance of the holiday. We will re-open Monday the 7th at 8am. If you need assistance, use our online form to email us or you can leave a message after the tone and a representative will call back when we return to the office. Thank you.
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