The Grace Digital Message and Music on Hold Media MP3 player is an on-hold music and media player designed for use with almost any business telephone setup including PBX, IBX, or Key Phone systems. Keep your customers, clients, or coworkers occupied and entertained while they wait.
"I just wanted to tell you that I stumbled onto your website for Humor On Hold™, and I listened to every recording. Your work is hilarious and it brightened my day. And who doesn't want a compliment from a random stranger on the Internet? So, thanks." - A.H.
Suddenly, your optimism regarding the call takes a nose dive as your Customer Service Representative says flatly, “I’ll have to put you on hold while I look into this for you.” Or, worse yet, “Let me transfer you to the right department. You’ve reached the [insert the name of a department that has nothing to do with your needs] department.”
This may sound odd, but the audio track needs a bit of grit or background music, or it should clearly sound like an automated recording, so the caller knows that it’s a recording.
Let’s face it, customers who call to a business don’t want to be on-hold. The best on hold message is no hold at all!
It’s important to ensure the content is informative and relevant to the caller. And the rule ‘less is more’ very much applies to writing for the ear. It’s important to keep the sentences short and to the point. A popular way to get a message across is follow this structure: Introduce the topic in the first sentence e.g. Did you know that BusinessCo now offers no contract plans for hosted PBX and business VoIP? Explain how the information will benefit the caller in the second sentence e.g. And that means complete flexibility for your business and no long-term commitments. Wrap up with a call to action in the third sentence e.g. To find out more, visit our website or speak to one of our Business Consultants when you come off hold.
There are 100 VRS messages available per NEC SL2100 phone system. Recording the Messages Using a Phone. IMPORTANT NOTE: Our NEC SL2100 phone systems come preloaded with an on-hold message in VRS Message 001. So, in the steps below, we recommend beginning with VRS Message 002 in order to avoid overwriting the on-hold …
In 2012, the Audio Marketing Association (Europe) conducted a survey with the OHMA (On Hold Marketing Association in the US), into On Hold Messaging and its effectiveness as a marketing tool. 1555 clients responded from a broad range of industries.
The Business Audio System features a high quality metal enclosure and electronics for the demanding business environment.
Considering the relatively low cost of getting on-hold marketing messages recorded and hosted, it’s surprising, so many businesses fail to consider this a priority. Investing in such a business function only adds another layer of professionalism to your service line.
8x8 & COVID-19: Protecting Our Business and YoursContact Center Inbound Calling Performance Issues ObjectiveApplies ToProcedure
“On hold messaging from Media Music Now is affordable. There are no ongoing payments, no contracts and no annual PRS fees. Professional on hold marketing has never been so easy.”
800-233-6356Ask us about changing from your old phone system to a new VoIP telephone system which will save you time and money! Click here to learn more. [email protected] 1-800-233-6356
We have an old at&t Merlin phone system and that could be the cause of volume issue but not sure. If you buy this box and volume is too low for cell phones, I recommend buying the IBOOST to solve this problem.
So what can we do to avoid inflicting further musical misery on our own customers while they’re patiently sitting on hold? We could just go back to playing a ringing sound, or an intermittent beep just to let people know they’re still connected, but that would be awfully dull. The best compromise is relatively simple electronic music that doesn't have too much going on as the ideal choice for hold music as it requires far less refined sound quality to get a decent rendition down a telephone connection.
Power loss? No problem. The GDI-USBM10 automatically starts playing after power is restored.
Avoid using ‘please’ more than once, it gets wordy and redundant. The goal is to keep the content as concise as possible, moving callers quickly and seamlessly through the options.