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Message On Hold Can: Sell products and services Introduce promotions Drive website traffic Answer FAQ’s Provide customer service Reinforce marketing Encourage referrals Build brand awareness Use Music to keep callers entertained

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Our short form allows us to accurately quote you within 60 minutes, during working hours!
Informational message on hold sections make user of wait time by providing the caller with product, service or support information. This is a good opportunity to cross sell items to the caller that they may be interested in, provide detailed location descriptions and general business background information. .

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We work with all our clients on an as needed basis, with no long term commitments or leases required.
Professional Audio Messages to Complete your Phone System. We specialise in audio marketing for telephone systems, both VOIP and traditional. Whether you are looking for music on hold or on hold messages, perhaps call menu options and out of hours too; we can take care of every part of the process for you.

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Although most clients select just one voice talent to read their entire script, some choose two voices for a more interesting finished product. The most common choice is to have both a male and female read the script in an alternating format.

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A number of practices answer their phones from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and are “closed” for an hour at lunch. This means that the office is available to take phone calls for just seven hours per day.

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3.) Actuellement, tous les employés sont occupés. Nous essayons de vous mettre en relation rapidement. Avez-vous visité notre site ? Vous pouvez trouver un aperçu de nos services et des produits dessus. Votre appel est très important pour nous et nous voulons prendre du temps pour nous consacrer à nos clients. Malheureusement, toutes les lignes sont toujours occupées et nous demandons de bien vouloir patienter.

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    These examples demonstrate how on-hold messages can offer vital information in an emergent situation such as how you will communicate with their pet’s primary care veterinarian, what constitutes an emergency, payment options, and build pet-owner loyalty. Toll Free: 877-516-8220 Local: 714-202-5111 Fax: 888-630-1944 Email: [email protected]

    Generic music can help keep them on the line, but why waste money playing pointless music, that requires a license to play, when you can be promoting what your company does?
    Our standard recordings start from $39 each and suit most SME business requirements. For more information please call 1300 00 1300 or CLICK HERE to make an online enquiry.

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    There are a number of things you can include in your on hold message that will inform your callers, keep them on hold for longer, build your business image and reflect your business brand: New products and Services Promotions and Seasonal Offers Information and Services your caller may not know about Industry Tips and News Achievements, recommendations and industry accreditations Important information – business location and opening times, website and email addresses Date-specific events Get 'on the air' - click here to get in touch

    3.( حاليا، جميع الموظفين مشغولون. إننا حريصون على التحدث معكم لك في أقرب وقت ممكن. هل قمت بزيارة موقعنا من قبل؟ يمكنك أن تجد لمحة عامة عن خدماتنا ومنتجاتنا هناك. مكالمتكم مهمة جدا بالنسبة لنا، فنحن نمنح وقتا طويلا لعملائنا. للأسف، كل الخطوط لا تزال مشغولة، نرجوا أن تصبروا قليلا.
    Being on hold has become a run-of-the-mill occurrence – but that doesn’t mean it has to be a bad experience. In fact, according to a study by Stan Rapp and Tom Collins of Maximarketing, 88% of callers preferred on hold messages to other hold options, and 16-20% made a purchase based on an on hold offer.

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    A telephone message on hold program compares to a mini radio station for your phone lines. Strategic messages promoting your products and services to your callers while they wait on hold. Telephone messages on hold is a way of educating your callers about your brand.

    Yes. Holdcom can readily incorporate client supplied audio components (with permission and licensing) into its Message on Hold programs. Upon request, we can include messages from CEOs and Presidents, company jingles, radio excerpts, television ads, or any other existing content.
    - Supported audio formats include: .WAV, .MP3 and .OGG; file size should not exceed 16 MB.

  • can't leave a voicemail Music On Hold Messaging for ESI-50 Phone Systems It’s easy to connect your music on hold player to the ESI-50 phone system for custom audio on hold playback! A few programming steps, and your custom audio will be marketing to all your callers. Playing your customized messaging on hold via the ESI-50 phone …

    On-hold messages allow a company to market to the caller while keeping her on the line. A phone company can use on-hold messaging to tell customers about a new service or feature; when the caller reaches a live person, she has an immediate opportunity to ask about a feature mentioned in the message. On-hold messaging also allows a business to
    Oftentimes, having examples can help sprout ideas and fuel a good brainstorming session.

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Currently in Las Vegas: Thursday, September 30, 2021, 8:38 am PDT You Are: Home » Message On Hold » Get A Holiday Message On Hold! Message On-Hold Equipment / Record / Playback / Interfaces / Digital Voice Announcers To view our Digital Playback Equipment, Interface units and Telephone Systems, from corporate offices to home based businesses, KSU, Non-KSU, even consumer telephones, CLICK HERE Audio Recordings & Voice Prompts

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Below are some of the the companies who have trusted Advanced Productions with their on hold messages and IVR greetings.

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A person can have a perfect voice for the job, but they may not be able to pronounce words well or emphasize the right things. When it comes to comedy, coming off as monotone can kill the joke. It doesn’t matter how well you write your script if it isn’t delivered well.

Contact Us

"The On Hold Marketing scripts BusinessVoice creates are not only funny, but also informative. They provide valuable information about specific aspects of my operation that some may not be aware of. In the 15+ years I’ve been in business, this is by far the best marketing money I have spent." - Steve Eaton / Med-Line Express Services (Hear a sample)

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