Submit your script, or draft, along with your project details and a description of how the voice should sound (be it conversational, informative, commanding...etc) and we'll send a demo for approval.
We will determine whether your communications platform (phone system) can use our Hosted Streaming Music On Hold Messages, which will automatically change which messages are heard based on time of day, day of the week and other scheduling preferences. We will find out if you will need a music on hold device (player) or not.
To get a better idea of what we’re about you can listen to some examples of on hold messages we’ve produced below. Do you need an audio project voiced in a specific accent, style, or language?
Listing Results Hold Music For Phone 46 Results Phone number Mobile phone Contact us Customer service
Producing on-hold messages that are appealing to your callers is essential. By combining a well-written script and the right voice over talent, your business will have a powerful program that keeps callers captivated. Company Background Script – Promotional Script – Core Value Script – Call to Website Script
Customers are 86% more likely to do business with you if they like what they hear.
Your On-Hold Messaging and Music is the first impression to your callers – make it memorable and build trust with our customizable solution. Get a Demo. Represent Your Brand. Choose the perfect voice to promote your brand and inform callers—our professional voice talent gives you the polished, effective messages that you need.
DO: Listen to your music on hold right through once you’ve put it live to check the quality
“Thank you for calling Media Music Now, one of our advisers will be with you shortly”
There are many common myths and misunderstandings about music licensing. We’ve compiled a list to help you make the right decision about legally licensed music – click here to read more.
In-Store/Overhead Music is essential to many businesses for creating an engaging customer experience. Businesses such as retailers, restaurants, spas and coffee shops offer music to enhance the ambiance of their businesses and entertain their customers. Background music has evolved considerably, are you keeping pace? Custom branded music and messages puts you in total control of the content shoppers hear, and allows you to target in-store shoppers with promotions, special offers and add-ons to influence shopper’s buying decisions and increase sales. Engage shoppers with the perfect playlist customized for your brand Pop Easy Listening Jazz Rock Country Classical Spa Holiday Affordable In-Store Overhead Background Music Services
Broadcast positive messages about your business, which can increase brand awareness and loyalty. For example, we strongly recommend describing accomplishments, your social commitments or any other pertinent subject.
The best hold music has few instruments and preferably only one. Simple music handles the change in quality better than a full orchestra arrangement. The latter gets distorted, particularly if it’s too loud for the phone to handle and clipping happens. No one wants to hear a dirge-like cacophony masquerading as “Pachelbel’s Canon in D.”
This is where an on-hold marketing system makes all the difference, and the right on-hold company will drive sales! A well-crafted on old program from Telephone On Hold means your valued staff will spend less time answering the phones, and more time caring for Fido and Fluffy. An on hold message from Telephone On Hold will increase your business.
Internet – No longer a need for a dedicated phone line just use the internet. Files can be sent in WAV format or MP3.
888-226-7608Your on-hold production includes ONE on hold music track from the genre. You may choose several tracks to be included in your production for an additional charge. If you would like to use multiple on hold music tracks, or if you have any questions about music on hold or on hold phone music, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 888-226-7608.
But, if you stay on brand, people will feel safe and understood. They’ll feel confident that they know what the company is all about, and that will make them easier to work with.