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Order online 24/7. Select a voice actor, enter a script, we’ll record and deliver your phone greetings.

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Hi. I'm Kerry McCall. Many of my clients call me "The Phone Voice". Daily, I'm recording and producing the phone recordings, mesages and greetings used by businesses and networks nationwide. There's a good chance you've already heard my voice, and I'd like to have the opportunity to help you quickly get the greetings you need.
Education Details: Here are a few sample voice mail greetings: External. Hello, this is (your name ). I'm in today but unable to take your call now. But if you leave your name, number and a detailed message after the tone, I'll return your call as soon as possible. If you require personal assistance during regular business hours, please press 0. Thank you. .

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8.) Herzlich Willkommen in der Service Abteilung der Mustermann GmbH. Leider sind im Augenblick alle Leitungen belegt. Bitte hinterlassen Sie nach dem Signalton eine Nachricht mit Ihrem Namen und Ihrer Telefonnummer. Wir rufen Sie baldmöglichst zurück. Wir wünschen Ihnen einen schönen Tag.
Thank you for calling ______. We are currently closed. Our regular business hours are Monday through Friday from 9am – 5pm, Pacific Standard Time. Please leave a message, and we will return your call the next business day.

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08You’ve reached the voicemail of [your business/company]. We are under new management and will be hosting a re-opening on [dates] where you can come and meet the team and have a chance to learn more about our enhanced services and new products. To leave a voicemail message, press the # key and someone from our team will call you back within 24 hours. This voicemail greeting is used to communicate information regarding changes to any business activities. It specifies how customers can communicate and do business with you, during any transition time.
Holiday Voicemail Greetings for Your Professional Business. 26. “Hello, you’ve reached [your name, the office of X company]. The team is currently out of the office, but we’ll be back on [date] stuffed with good food and eager to speak with you. Leave your name, number, and — if you’re so inclined — your favorite [holiday dish

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In Australian English it’s pronounced with the vowel /a:/ like in ‘part’. Problems arise when people use the /ʌ/ vowel (like in ‘up’) instead of /æ/ or /a:/. If you do this is will sound like the worst swear word in English. Many non-native speakers often pronounce the vowel /æ/ more like /ʌ/ because they don’t have a vowel like /æ/ in their first language. Many speakers of European languages will do this (Spanish speakers and Italian speakers) and also speakers of Japanese and Korean. This problem with /æ/ also means that if you say the word ‘back’ in your voicemail greeting sample, you are likely to pronounce it more like ‘buck’. remember to pronounce word endings in English. Check you aren’t dropping any endings off or mispronouncing them.

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12. “Hello, you’ve reached the Customer Support department at [company name]. We are unable to take your call at the moment. We know your time is valuable so instead of placing you on hold, let us call you back! Please leave your name, phone number, the reason for your call, and two different times that are convenient for you to receive a call back from us. Thank you!” Get a better idea of your caller’s schedule by asking them for a few different times you can call back. Their time is important, too!

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    5. "Hello, [Person's name] is chasing new adventures and is no longer with [Company name]. Please forward all future requests to [New or interim person's name] at [phone number].

    Your customers might need you on the holidays. If you’re a business owner, you know this already. 🙂 Manage customer expectations and let them know how to get assistance.
    3. AT&T Voicemail Viewer. In case you still have a landline phone with voice mail function, AT&T Voicemail Viewer will help you even remotely track calls and messages.

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    In this blog post, we'll cover how to set up several voicemail greetings: a name recording for your voicemail box, a default greeting, and a temporary (for holidays and vacations) greeting.

    By joining you agree to our Terms of Service and confirm you have read our Privacy Policy Toggle navigation Join Login About Us Press Kit Terms of Service Privacy Policy fivesquid blog FAQs Contact Us All in Music & Audio Voiceover & Narration Editing & Mastering Voicemail greetings Jingles & Drops Singers & Songwriters Music promotion Other
    Hi, you have reached …. Please leave your name, phone number and a message and if we like it we will return your call.

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    JS Hello Me Community Experts in Multifamily Property Management, Apartment Investment, Apartment Marketing, Apartment Leasing, and Apartment Jobs HomeAbout Multifamily InsidersMultifamily NewsCulture and MissionContact UsMy MFIEdit ProfileInboxCommunityAll InsidersSearch InsidersEventsWebinar WednesdaysMastering MaintenanceSpeaker LineupInsiders' Choice Award WinnersWebinars On DemandSocial Multifamily ShareSpaceLinkedIn Multifamily HubDiscuss!Recent PostsPopular DiscussionsInsider BlogsMy BlogsMy Blog DashboardFile BankUpload FilesDealsResearchResident Events Listen to your Voicemail Greeting 10 years 5 months ago #6148 We all know how hard it is to answer the phone every single time it rings. The reality is, sometimes you just miss a call. Have you listened to your voicemail greeting recently? Being a marketing partner, and currently an apartment shopper, I call apartment communities just about every day. I definitely get plenty of voicemail greetings, especially if I call close to the lunch hour, that wouldn't encourage me whatsoever to call back if I were a prospect! I'm going to start working with my clients on their voicemail greetings - what do the seasoned experts out there think they should include and sound like? Are there any guidelines you would suggest? My industry mentor tells me that properties tend to take on the personality of their managers; how do we apply that belief to even the smallest things like voicemail? Colin Hagan Topic Author Posts: 10 Thank you received: 0 Re:Listen to your Voicemail Greeting 10 years 5 months ago #6149 You know, I'm not a big fan of having a voice mail message picking up for the property when the office staff is busy or not there. I think it's a good idea to consider using an answering service or perhaps a third party service that can answer questions, send info, or maybe set appointments. I can understand where a prospective rent may not be inclined to visit a community they call and do not get a live person on the phone. My company does use an answering service and the service is usually successful at getting the name, number, floor plan, and lead source when we are not able to answer. Denny Humphrey Posts: 16 Thank you received: 0 Re:Listen to your Voicemail Greeting 10 years 5 months ago #6152 This is completely personal but I CANNOT stand when I call a place and there voicemail message is longer than 30 seconds... If it's too long I'm hanging up or if someone sounds overly cheerful or bored... Chrissy Surprenant Posts: 118 Thank you received: 1 Re:Listen to your Voicemail Greeting 10 years 5 months ago #6160 I have shopped many properties over the years. Some VM messages are good, some are less than good and some are just plain BAD!! Maybe it's just me, but if the message sends me to the property web site, I get annoyed! I was just on the web site!!Now I'm ready to talk to a real live person!! I have used call centers who answer after so many rings with good and bad results. I am not a fan of the Auto-Systems that answer and give you 20 other choices and when you make a choice, you hear another message! We have about 10 seconds or less to capture a callers attention, sound different from the competition, and make yourself sound interesting enough for them to want to leave a message. The message should be clear, quick and concise. Gerry Hunt Re:Listen to your Voicemail Greeting 10 years 5 months ago #6167 Great points Gerry and Chrissy, I agree totally. Messages should be no more than 30 seconds and even getting close to that mark is too much. Make your point, don't be sales pitch-y and then let them leave the message. For me when I hear an answering machine message I'm just waiting for the tone so I can start talking... I'm really not paying much attention to what they are saying. If voice mail messages were a closing tool we'd have a source code for them. Ha! Bill Szczytko Posts: 64 Thank you received: 0 Re:Listen to your Voicemail Greeting 10 years 5 months ago #6169 Re:Listen to your Voicemail Greeting 10 years 5 months ago #6172 I hate the VM's that start with "press 1 if this is a maintenance emergency." If you are calling to inquire about leasing, the first thing you think is "this place needs maintenance. Danny Soule Posts: 19 Thank you received: 0 Re:Listen to your Voicemail Greeting 10 years 5 months ago #6185 Chrissy, you make me smile!! When a property has a website it should be on all advertising, flyers, and correspondence. The company paid big bucks to have the web site developed; we want to direct folks to it!! It is also a great tool to use when talking to a prospect on the phone. The leasing person can direct the prospect to the site and talk about floor plans and amenities WITH the prospect! In my opinion VM tend to be to long and boring. By the time I call the property, I just want to talk with a PERSON! I have been to the web site, and I don’t want to be directed back to it! Of course, I am also in the business and maybe just a little impatient!! Re:Listen to your Voicemail Greeting 10 years 5 months ago #6188 At least I made you smile... I'm still right though hahaha!! Sorry I had to tease you a little ;)

    Please note that if you record an unavailable greeting, it will be used instead of the default message with your name recording.
    We have extended our weekend hours for Friday and Saturday nights, now staying open until 9pm. Please hold while we connect your call. Terms of Use Professional Voice for Phone Recordings Payment for Services Home Voice Overs - Narration Voice Over Demos Small Business After Hours Voicemail Production Phone Recordings Contact � Callers can dial out of Auto Attendant or Voice Mail greetings. (Any valid system number) � Limit the number of choices you offer callers in a single menu. More that 4 or 5 choices will confuse your callers. And don't force them to wade through six menus before they reach the information they need. � Give callers an option first, followed by instructions on what key(s) to press to take action. � Instead of, for Sales press �1�, use the sales extension or sales group number this makes future changes easy. � Let callers know what keys to press to escape the Auto Attendant and reach someone �Live�. (always have this extension answered promptly) Thank you for calling (Company Name), you may dial your party�s extension at any time during this greeting, For the Sales Department dial 115, For the Accounting Department, dial 106. For the Service Department, dial 110. For all other departments or to speak with the attendant dial �0�. Or for the company directory, press 8. (No action rings the Attendant) Thank you for calling (Company Name), Our business hours are 08:00AM to 05:00PM Monday thru Friday. You may dial your party�s extension at any time during this greeting. For the company directory, press 8. Or remain on the line to leave a message (No action forwards to a general mailbox)

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    In the Phone app , Visual Voicemail (available from select carriers) shows a list of your messages. You can choose which ones to play and delete without listening to all of them. A badge on the Voicemail icon indicates the number of unheard messages.

    A professional voicemail greeting is a recorded message that welcomes callers to your business when no one is available to pick up the call. For a polished call experience, the greeting should reflect who the client is calling – whether a general business number, department, team, or individual – and when the customer can expect the call to be returned.
    With the Holiday season right around the corner, your office’s voicemail greeting should quickly inform callers of any potential changes in hours, days or availability. Oh, and what better way to spread holiday wishes than with a personalized, updated greeting – of course, while at the same time, keeping your clients and prospects in the loop of where you’ll be and when.

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Website: https://www.mightycall.com/blog/the-best-services-to-record-a-voicemail-greeting-for-business/

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A clear, professional voicemail greeting is essential for job seekers and professionals living in English speaking countries. Job recruiters, managers and colleagues will all expect a good, clear, professional voicemail greeting when they call you.

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With regard to voice mail, you can include something like this in your actual message: “Hi, you have reached Ted Bremer.

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34. Hey, this is [your name]. I’m sorry for not picking your call right now. Please leave your name, number and a brief message, and I will get back to you at the earliest opportunity. You can also reach me via email at [email address] and I will reply to you shortly.

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