I’ve seen similar things with OOO messages where people would update them practically daily. “I’ll be away from my desk from 9-2 with intermittent emails and then on a call from 3:-3:45” and ….dude. We don’t need that much detail every day.
I’ve seen those before (also for maternity or for people who were taking extended leave). I really appreciate it, personally — it basically lets the sender know that the ball IS still in their court, which I don’t see as inherently offensive or attitudy.
I follow this TikTok account and she has a TON of these. I think it’s a culture thing. It would be inappropriate in many places but clearly it isn’t there.
Put your phone into night mode following your usual process upon end of year closure. Aria 24, Aria 130 & Aria 300 Phone Systems. To change an existing voice mail greeting, you must be on the Attendant/Admin handset which is usually the first extension number in your range i.e 100 or 101; From this handset, dial Trans/Pgm then 61 followed by
Thank you for your correspondence. I am currently away from my computer and may be delayed in my response.
This particular message is too freakin long and it makes me watch it, too. Har har, thanks for wasting my time.
With the Holiday season right around the corner, your office’s voicemail greeting should quickly inform callers of any potential changes in hours, days or availability. Oh, and what better way to spread holiday wishes than with a personalized, updated greeting – of course, while at the same time, keeping your clients and prospects in the
To help you fully unplug from email, we’ve compiled six of the best out-of-office message examples that are perfectly suited to you, your company, and this vacation-heavy time of year.
Thank you for your message. I am currently out of the office, with no email access. I will be returning on (Date of Return).
I like funny OOO – but I am a bad offender regarding these and may slightly overshare. I recently had to be in and out for eye surgery and this was mine:
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It’s possible I might quote from some responses to this in an upcoming column, so please note if you don’t want me to do that with yours!
It’s time for yet another everyone’s favorite period of the year! For me, it means eating as many cookies as possible while gulping down as much mulled wine as possible. Yes, this also means trying to remember every line of dialogue from [your favorite holiday movie] as my favorite holiday flick
The information on this website is for agent use only and is not intended for use by the general public. Churches E-Commerce Events Fitness and Gyms Human Resources Medical Nonprofits
1. 1 The Scrooge. Hellooooo . . . You’ve reached the Ghost of Holidays Future. Whose future? Yours, of course! Let me show you what it looks like. Step this way.
Work-Life BalanceHow to Write an Out-of-Office Message During the COVID-19 Pandemic—Plus Examples!
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