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Voicemail messages play an important role in business or personal communication. It increases the efficiency of your business’s customer service. The voicemails system allows the phone user to record a message to inform the caller that you are not available on the phone. It improves your business relationship with your customers, colleagues, and business partners when they listen to voice messages instead of the phone ringing. Below we share significant benefits of voicemail messages.

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Intrado has sales and/or operations in the United States, Canada, Europe, the Middle East, Asia Pacific, Latin America and South America. Intrado is controlled by affiliates of certain funds managed by Apollo Global Management, LLC. For more information, please call 1-800-841-9000.
The basic rule of thumb is that callers should hear one of two things when they first connect with your voicemail — either an apology for not being able to answer the call or a “thank you” for having called. You can do both if you prefer, but keep it short and to the point. .

what to say in a voice message

9.) Bem-vindo a John Doe. Infelizmente, não há ninguém no escritório no momento. Por favor, deixe seu nome e número de telefone após o sinal. Vamos ligá-lo de volta o mais rápido possível.
The biggest barrier is actually getting them to leave the voicemail in the first place. Don’t get in your own way by recording a long, drawn-out voicemail greeting that might do more to convince them to hang up than actually leave a message.

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While missed calls aren’t ideal, you can let your caller know you’re still there for them by having a great voicemail greeting. The best business voicemail greetings let your customers (and potential customers) know why you’re not available and how they can best get in contact with your business. They are also short and to the point. You usually want to keep your greeting between 6 and 24 seconds long so callers don’t hang up halfway through.
You can ask your admin to change the greeting language for everyone in your organization. Your admin should see this topic for instructions: Change the default language for greetings and emails.

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Categories Top Downloads Login Register Upload Categories Top Downloads Login Register Home BUSINESS VOIC User Guide BUSINESS VOIC User Guide February 18, 2017 | Author: Sherilyn French | Category: N/A DOWNLOAD PDF (652.1KB) Share Embed Donate Short Description Download BUSINESS VOIC User Guide... Voicemail BASICS You may interact with your Voicemail Service from any Touch-Tone™ telephone. You can receive messages 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You may have a total of 40 or 50 messages (new as well as saved messages) in your mailbox at one time, depending on the type of service you have. The maximum length of each message is 2 minutes and you may save new messages for a maximum of 30 days. The first time you use your mailbox, you must personalize it using the following steps: Prompts will guide you through setting up your mailbox. When calling from a remote telephone, you will need to press the # key, dial your 10 digit mailbox number, then press the # key again. Welcome to Business Voicemail With Business Voicemail from FairPoint, there’s no reason to ever miss a phone call again. Calls are answered whether you’re on the phone, online, away from your desk or simply too busy to pick up. You can check your messages using a touchtone or wireless phone. The starter password is the last 4 digits of your telephone number. Dial your starter password, then press #. When prompted, enter an easy-to-remember 4 to 10 digit number, then press the # key. Since you MUST remember this number, the service will recite it back. Press 1 to keep it, press 2 to cancel and change. - any part of your telephone (mailbox) number, including the last four digits of your phone number When prompted, record you name and press the # key. The service will play it back. Press 1 to keep it, press 2 to cancel and re-record. When prompted, you will have 30 seconds to record the greeting callers will hear when you do not answer; then press the # key. The service will play it back. Press 1 to keep it, press 2 to cancel and re-record. You may record and send messages to other voicemail subscribers on the system individually or as part of a group list. When calling from your own number, you’ll hear a prompt to enter your password. When calling from a remote telephone, you will need to press the # key, dial your 10 digit mailbox number, then press the # key again. Dial a 10 digit mailbox number or group list number, then press the # key. If you want to send a message to more mailboxes, press 1 and continue to add numbers. DELIVERY OPTIONS Private - Private messages can’t be forwarded to anyone by the recipient. Future Delivery - Allows you to choose a time and date for a message to be sent. The system allows you to record a message for delivery up to 365 days in advance. You will be prompted for the month, day, time, AM or PM for each message to be delivered. Each message recorded counts towards the maximum storage allowance in your mailbox until it is sent. Return Receipt – You will receive a confirmation message when your message has been heard. The Personal Options menu provides you with the flexibility to change your greetings, name, and password; change notification options, establish group lists, set message preferences and create Individual mailboxes. After you receive a message in your mailbox, you can set up your mailbox to send you notification of the new message in two ways: Pager (the system will page you for messages received) or SMS (text notification to cell phone). You may also choose for the service to notify you of all or only urgent messages. From the main menu, press 3 to go to Personal Options, then press 2 to reach the Greetings menu. - Press 3 to change your Personal Greeting - Press 4 to record and schedule your Extended Absence Greeting GREETING OPTIONS Personal Greeting – You can record a greeting in your own voice asking callers to leave a message. System Greetings – If you don’t want to record a Personal Greeting, you can choose a System Greeting that plays your Recorded Name, your telephone number or simply asks callers to leave a message without providing identifying information. Extended Absence Greeting – If you will be away from the office for a period of time, you may want to schedule this greeting. Unlike the Personal and System Greetings, callers cannot bypass it by pressing the # key. Callers must listen to the entire greeting. When this greeting is active, you can choose to allow messages to be accepted into your mailbox or not. From the Main menu, press 3 to reach Personal Options, press 1 to reach Personal Profile menu, then press 3 for Notification Options. To set up Wireless SMS, press 4. Follow the prompts to enter your service provider, cell phone number and choose notification for all messages or urgent. To set up Pager, press 5. Follow the prompts to enter your service provider, pager number and choose notification for all messages or urgent only. Group Lists Group Lists allow you to quickly send a message to a group of people all at once. You may create up to 3 Group Lists with a maximum of 25 mailboxes per list. To use your Group List Options: From the Main menu, press 3 for Personal Options, then press 3 to reach the Group List menu. To create a Group List, press 1. Follow the prompts to enter a 1- or 2-digit group list number, record a title for the group list, and add members. To change a Group List, press 2. Follow the prompts to add a mailbox number to a list, review mailbox numbers already on a list, delete mailbox numbers from a list, and record a new name for a list. To erase a Group List, press 3. Follow the prompts to enter a 1- or 2-digit number and confirm deletion of the list. To send a message using a Group List, see information in the Sending Messages section of this guide. From the main menu, press 3 to go to Personal Options, then press 1 to reach the Personal Profile menu. To change your password, press 1 and follow the prompts. To change prompt level, press 2, then: - Press 1 to select the standard Full Prompts - Press 2 to select the expert level Quick Prompts message preferences The Message Preferences menu allows you to customize how you hear your messages. You can choose to hear date, time and calling/sending number for each message. You can set up your mailbox so that new messages will start playing automatically, as soon as you log into your mailbox. You can also choose for messages to be played with oldest first, newest first, or priority/urgent messages first. Once a caller chooses a sub-mailbox number (1, 2, 3, etc.), he/she will then hear the personal greeting for that mailbox. The message the caller leaves is private for that sub-mailbox owner and can be retrieved only by that owner with his/her password. If the caller does not choose a sub-mailbox number, or presses the # key, the message will automatically be placed in the base mailbox. Care should be taken in selecting which person or department is assigned to the base mailbox since callers will be automatically directed to it if they do not make another selection. From the Main menu, press 3 for Personal Options, then press 5 to reach the Message Preferences Menu. To review or change your Envelope options, press 1. Your mailbox is initially set to play the date and time stamp for all messages. To turn it off/on, press 1. To review or change your Autoplay option, press 2. Your mailbox is initially set so that messages are not played automatically when you enter your mailbox. To turn it on/off, press 1. To review or change the Sort Order of your messages, press 3. Your mailbox is initially built so that urgent messages are played first and remaining messages are ordered by date with the oldest message first. To change, press 2, then press: From the Main Menu, press 3 for Personal Options, then press 4 to reach the Multiple Mailbox menu. To create a Multiple Mailbox sub-mailbox, press 1. Follow the prompts to record a name for the sub-mailbox. The password will be a 1-digit number automatically generated by the system. This 1-digit password is also the sub-mailbox number. To delete a Multiple Mailbox sub-mailbox, press 2. Follow the prompts to confirm deletion of the sub-mailbox you select. Dial your access number. When calling from another telephone, you will need to press the # key, dial your 10-digit mailbox number, then press # again. Enter the single-digit number of the sub-mailbox you want to access, then press the # key. Use 0 to access the base mailbox. The system will tell you how many messages you have. In the base mailbox, the system will also tell you which sub-mailboxes have new messages. To enable or disable Voice of Sender’s Caller ID, press 4. Your mailbox is initially set to not play sender’s Caller ID for all messages. To turn it on/off, press 1. Multiple Mailbox allows you to create additional mailboxes for your line so external callers can direct their messages to the appropriate person or department. You can create up to eight (8) Sub-mailboxes using this feature. Enter the password and the single-digit sub-mailbox number of the mailbox you wish to access. Press 0 to access the base mailbox. When someone calls your telephone and the line is busy or no one can answer, they will hear the personalized greeting that you have recorded in your base mailbox. This greeting should provide direction to your callers so they can leave a message directly in the sub-mailbox of the person or department they are trying to reach. For example: “Hello, you have reached ACME Enterprises. We are not able to take your call at the moment. To leave a message for Jim Smith, press 1. To leave a message for Sally Jones, press 2. To leave a message for Accounts Payable, press 3. For Mr. Johnson (base), press # or wait for the tone.” Some things to remember about Multiple Mailbox: The maximum storage allowed for your mailbox is shared across all mailboxes, the base plus all Individual mailboxes. Message Waiting (interrupted dial tone and/or light) will remain on until all new messages from all mailboxes are saved or deleted. Each sub-mailbox holder can set their own notification options to their own pager and/or cell phone. Mailbox-to-mailbox messages can be sent through the system to each sub-mailbox. Address the message using 11-digits. For example, use 20755512341 for sub-mailbox 1 of mailbox 2075551234. Messages addressed to the 10-digit mailbox number will be deposited in the base mailbox. 7 If you know what key to press, you can make your selection at any time. No need to wait for the system to finish speaking the prompts or menus. Once you are familiar with the system, use the Personal Profile to change your prompt level to Quick Prompts. When in the office or on the road, save time by setting up one of the Notification Options. No need to call until you have a message to retrieve. Use the autoplay feature under Message Preferences so your new messages will start playing as soon as you log into your mailbox. If you press no keys after hearing a message, the message will automatically be saved then the next message will play. When you will have limited time/access to voice mail, use the Extended Absence Greeting option to block callers from leaving a message. After a saved message expires, the next time you log into your mailbox you must take action on that messages before you can hear new messages or make any changes to your mailbox. USER GUIDE MESSAGE PLAY (during playback) [1] Replay [2] Save message [3] Erase message [4] Slower [5] Louder [6] Faster [7] Rewind five seconds [7] [7] Rewind to beginning [8] Pause/unpause [9] Fast forward five seconds [9] [9] Fast forward to end of message [0] Help [*] Exit messaging [#] Skip to next message send options (post record) [1] Send now [2] Hear message [3] Rerecord [4] Mark/Remove privacy [5] Future delivery [6] Return receipt [7] Mark/Remove urgent [*] Cancel [0] Help POST PLAYBACK (Function Menu) [1] Replay [2] Save message [3] Erase message [4] Reply to sender [5] Forward message [6] Date, time & sender [*] Exit messaging [#] Next message [0] Replay menu If last message played [1] Save deleted messages [2] Main menu Personal Profile [1] Change password [2] Change prompt level [3] Notification options [*] Previous menu greetings [1] Name recording [2] Busy greeting [3] Personal greeting [4] Extended absence greeting [*] Previous menu [1] Personal profile [2] Greetings [3] Group lists [4] Multiple mailbox [5] Message preferences [*] Previous menu Wake-up and reminder [1] Schedule wake-up call [2] Schedule reminder message Login to another member’s sub-mailbox multiple mailbox [1] Create sub-mailbox [2] Delete sub-mailbox [*] Previous menu message preferences [1] Envelope [2] Autoplay [3] Sort order [4] Voice of senders Caller ID [*] Previous menu notification options [1] Special Delivery [2] Wireless (SMS) [3] Pager [*] Previous menu Personal greeting select [1] Personal greeting [2] System greeting “name” [3] System greeting “number” [2] System greeting w/o number or name [*] Previous menu special delivery options [1] Notification options [2] Review/Change special delivery number [3] Special delivery schedule [*] Previous menu options [1] All messages [2] Urgent messages only [3] Turn notification on/off [*] Previous menu select sms provider [1] Confirm [2] Change provider Select provider Enter provider number select pager provider [1] Confirm [2] Change provider Select provider Enter provider number EAG-Schedule [1] Review/Change EA greeting [2] EA Schedule on/off [3] Review/Change EA schedule [4] Accept new messagee [5] Don’t accept new message [*] Previous menu For questions about your voicemail service Please contact Customer Service at 1.866.984.3001 13 Customer service: 1.866.984.3001. ©2010 FairPoint Communications, Inc. 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    Lili is a telecom voice branding solution for your business. She offers quality telephone voicemail recording services to industry leaders. Companies who work with Lili know they deserve the very best.

    We are unable to come to the phone right now. At the tone, please leave your name, number, and Master Card, Visa, or American Express account number and we’ll get back to, pending credit approval.
    To listen to the greeting: Call the attendant during business hours—OR in the attendant's display pane: Click the Edit button next to Greeting (the Edit Auto-Attendant Greeting dialog box appears), then the Play button next to Current Greeting at the top of the Create New tab.; NOTE: If using the Firefox browser, then—to get your Windows Media Player to operate correctly:

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    Thank you for calling BusinessCo. We are currently closed for the public holiday in Victoria. Our normal hours are 8.30am to 5.30pm Easter Standard Time. Your call is important to us, so please leave your name, phone number and a short message and we will return your call on our next business day. Thank you.

    Open office hoursOffer options for reaching you immediately (alternative contact info)Include an extension number if they won’t be able to reach you for sometimeAllow them to skip the message if they’ve heard it before. Sometimes, your dialers can go berserk and send the same message several times, you know. Don’t Obviate Scripts
    Internal Voicemail Greeting Examples: This is used to greet people who call you from within your company (i.e. from another extension). External Voicemail Greeting Examples: This greeting will be played for people who call from outside your company. Your telephone system's automated attendant may play a general company greeting that all

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    39. Thank you for calling. I apologize for missing your call. I’m busy right now, but if you leave your name, number and message, I will return your call as soon as possible.

    16. “Hi, you’ve reached [company name]. Sorry, you just missed us! We’re open from ([hour] to [hour] [time zone]) Monday through Friday [optional: hour to hour on the weekends]. In the meantime, you can also visit our website [website URL] to reach out via live chat, text, or email [email address]. If you’d like to leave us a message, tell us your name, number, and reason for your call after the beep. We will give you a call back later on today.” Let your caller know your exact office hours so you skip the “phone tag”. They’ll appreciate knowing when to expect a return call. Just keep in mind that the timeframe should be realistic so you live up to customer expectations.Voicemail greetings for holidays
    Voicemail messages are important, they solve the basic issue of not missing out on any leads.

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    After you have stated in your business voicemail greetings what you want the clients and customers should do when leaving a message, it is important to remember that you keep your voicemail messages short and concise. Use smaller and simplified words rather than business jargon your customers will not understand.

    A real estate agent plays an important role in handling various real estate issues, finalizing deals with clients and the real estate developer etc. Direct dealing with people is the main thing in this profession.
    A general voicemail greeting is what callers will be greeted with if you are unable to answer the phone at work. It is the everyday greeting, used as the default, unless you have set up a temporary greeting, such as an away message while you're on vacation, or a …

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