On another phone: Dial your own mobile number, press * or # (depending on your carrier) to bypass your greeting, then enter your voicemail password.
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5. Using Visual Voicemail: Access your voicemails. As long as your carrier supports visual voicemail, you can access your voicemails by tapping the Voicemail button in the bottom right corner of the Phone app's screen.
2. Press and hold the "1" key on the keypad. If it’s your first time setting up voicemail, you’ll likely see a message that says “No voicemail number is stored on the card.” If pressing this button dials your voicemail service, listen to the prompts for instructions on completing the setup process.
Website: https://forums.att.com/conversations/data-messaging-features-internet-tethering/accessing-voicemail-from-another-phone-since-phone-is-broken/5defd419bad5f2f6061d2374
3. Settings menu. To access your voicemail setting menu, press and hold the 1 key or dial 123 on your device dial pad. If this doesn't work, dial 1-805-637-7249, enter your 10 digit number and while the voicemail greeting is playing, press * (star key) and enter the password.
This option will allow you to convert a written text into speech and make this your mailbox greeting (please note this is only available to those with the Enterprise account upgrade).
Website: https://3cxhelp.telware.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046842274-How-To-Change-Your-Voicemail-Greeting-With-The-Android-Mobile-App
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Some cell phone service providers allow users to access their voicemail accounts via external methods such as landlines, and those users could keep the voicemail greetings updated in the absence of cellular and internet service.
When someone is calling you and you’re not picking up, a personalized message from you will be played to them before they can leave a voice message. Some people like it to be formal, while some others like it to be playful and personal. If you have set a voicemail greeting before, you can change it too!
If you are looking to get it completely disabled, unfotunately, this cannot be done at the moment. To disable the service temporarily, please call us or send us an email at [email protected] since there is a verification process involved so we won’t be able to resolve it here.
On another phone: Dial your own mobile number, press * or # (depending on your carrier) to bypass your greeting, then enter your voicemail password.
Step 3 To skip any voicemail messages that you have and go to the Main Menu, press the * key. Step 4 Go to personal options, press 4. Then press 2 to go to Administrative Options. Step 5 Click 1 for Password Options. Step 6 Click 2 to get the ON/Off options. Click the "OFF" button to stop the voicemail password.
Member. 11-05-2015 11:25 AM. I have already chosen to set up my voice mail with the "personal greeting" option. I would like to change this to the "standard greeting" option, which was offered when I initially set up my voicemail. The only options now when I want to change my personal greeting is re-record my greeting or keep the one I have.
9. Hang up. Once you've selected a greeting, press the red End Call button to hang up and exit your voicemail system. There you have it! You now know the basic steps for changing your voicemail greeting on your Android phone.
Part 1. How to Change and Record Voicemail Greetings on iPhone Setting a voicemail greeting is important when we missed a call and let the people calling you know they have reached out to the right person and remind them to leave a message after the greeting. To record a personalized voicemail greeting, here are the steps that you have to follow.