Apple's next-generation iPhone 13 lineup will use Qualcomm's Snapdragon X60 5G modem, with Samsung to handle manufacturing of the chip, according to DigiTimes. Built on a 5nm process, the X60 packs higher power efficiency into a smaller footprint compared to the 7nm-based Snapdragon X55 modem used in iPhone 12 models, which could contribute to longer battery life. With the X60 modem, iPhone...
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Voicemail can be reached using any voicemail access number from any phone or voip app.Voicemail can be reached by dialing ones own 10 digit phone number from any phone or voip app.Voicemail can be reached by pressing and holding 1 on the phones keypad.
You can disable voicemail by dialing ##002# on your phone. That disables all call forwarding so no calls will go to voicemail. I use Google Voice for voicemail so I disabled it on the cellphone side.
I have tried all of the suggestions above and still can't save a custom voicemail greeting. seems like such a simple task, I can't believe Apple hasn't fixed this bug. Any other suggestions? =) Dec 18, 2015 10:40 AM User profile for user: AmishCake AmishCake User level: Level 6 (9,632 points) Apr 16, 2014 5:34 AM in response to phord In response to phord
4. Press and hold the message[s] you wish to recover, then “Save” to confirm the recovery.
After receiving his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science he spent several years working in IT management for small businesses. However, he now works full time writing content online and creating websites.
3 hours agoTap Custom to record a greeting. Tap Record to begin. When finished, tap Stop. To complete, tap ‘Done’ or ‘Save’. Also, Why is my voicemail not working iPhone 11? If the voicemail not working in iOS 11 is caused by new system bugs, updating to the latest version may solve the problem. Go to “Settings” > “General” > “Software
The very first thing to be checked is, have you set up the voicemail earlier or directly recording the voicemail greeting? If you haven’t already set up the voicemail and unable to record voicemail greeting, then go to the top of the page and learn how to set up voicemail on the iPhone.
4 hours agoVoicemail is an audio or voice message that’s recorded when you’re busy with another call or when a phone call goes unanswered, for you to listen to later. It’s different from the age old answering machines in that instead of storing the message on the device, it stores it in a mailbox on your service provider’s server, the same way an email message is stored.
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Voicemail. Find out how to set up your voicemail, check messages, and more for your AT&T Home Phone. Learn how to set up and check Unified Messaging voicemail. Get help with voicemail, including setting it up, and recording a greeting.
Once you click greeting, you can change it from default to custom and record your custom greeting. Press play to listen to it before saving it.
Mike, If you are looking to get it completely disabled, unfortunately, this cannot be done at the moment. To disable the service temporarily, please call us or send us an email at [email protected] since there is a verification process involved so we won’t be able to resolve it here.
To set up your voicemail, press *98 from your home phone or call the retrieval number you received with your welcome letter. Voice prompts will guide you through the rest of the steps.
when I try and do a custom greeting, it won't save the greeting and goes back to the default iPhone 4, iOS 7.1 Posted on Apr 15, 2014 2:32 PM Reply I have this question too (4375) I have this question too Me too (4375) Me too Question marked as Apple recommended User profile for user: Joe B. Skeen Joe B. Skeen (12 points) Posted on Jun 15, 2014 9:04 AM View answer in context Helpful answers Drop Down menu Helpful answers All replies Question marked as ★ Helpful User profile for user: HMHWL HMHWL (13 points) Jan 24, 2016 11:42 AM in response to phord In response to phord