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ObjectiveApplies ToProcedureIndividual ExtensionsRing GroupsAdditional Information ObjectiveApplies ToProcedureIndividual ExtensionsRing GroupsAdditional Information

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It’s a good practice for each of your team members to have their own personal business phone numbers. There are many reasons why they shouldn’t use their personal cell phone number for business, so you’ll want to give them their own phone number through your VoIP provider or phone system.

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46. Hello, you’ve reached [name], [job title] at [company]. I’m currently away from my desk or on another call. Please leave a detailed message so I can return your call as soon as I get back.
This is a test. This is a test of the Answering Machine Broadcast System. This is only a test.

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A general voicemail greeting is used as the default voicemail greeting to callers. It is therefore critical that this default voicemail greeting is set up correctly and that the content of the greeting informs the caller as to how to proceed.
When you create a voicemail message, the next thing you need to ensure is that your prospects are aware that they have reached the right person so no confusion takes place.

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"Hello, you've reached [name] at [company]. I'm unable to come to the phone right now. Leave your name and number, and I'll return your call as soon as I'm free. Thank you."

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We suggest you create a script beforehand with the text of your message, and then read it while recording. Be sure to record away from background noises or distractions.

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    So follow the above tips to be sure that your business voicemail greeting is saying what you want it to say and in a way that will appeal to your customers.

    Company-level calls are usually directed to your general business number. There are occasions when everyone in the office is tied up and unable to pick up calls. It’s important to gather information about the reason for the call so that the right person or team can call them back. These greetings ensure that customers do not feel neglected while also providing assurance that their call will be attended to as soon as possible.
    Which is why, you’ve got to put a little bit of “you” when it comes to voicemail. And the best part about all of this is, since you couldn’t come to the phone, at least the callers are having a good time listening to the message. Here are Best witty voice mail greetings ideas: My ass and I …

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    Company-level calls are usually directed to your general business number. There are occasions when everyone in the office is tied up and unable to pick up calls. It’s important to gather information about the reason for the call so that the right person or team can call them back. These greetings ensure that customers do not feel neglected while also providing assurance that their call will be attended to as soon as possible.

    Your voice and message should come across as solid and professional. Continue to rehearse it until you get it just right.
    11.) Welcome to John Doe, unfortunately you have reached us outside business hours, or we can not take your call at the moment. If you want to leave us a message, then please send us an email to [email protected] - We will contact you as soon as possible. For more information about us please visit our our website Many thanks for your call.

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    If you’re an entrepreneur or small business owner who’s debating the benefits of getting a voicemail greeting, keep reading!
    Avoid background noise. Whether you have music playing in your office, or you’re sitting in a coffee shop, background noise can make it difficult for your customers to understand your greeting. Limit the noise around you when you leave your voicemail greeting.

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    In the former, the voicemail message shall be delivered to callers from within your company i.e. for communication exclusively for office employees. In the second case, the voicemail will be received by people calling from outside the company. Hi. You’ve reached Martha Johnson in Human Resource department. Unfortunately, I cannot attend the call now. You can leave your message after the beep. Hello. You’ve reached Martha Johnson in Human Resource department. You can either record your message after the beep or contact my secretary Henry Smith at extension 5556. I shall get back to you soon.

    I might have a tolerable day or even a comfortable day, but I'm a chronic malcontent the way it is.

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Your voicemail message should ideally answer all of the following requirements: Brief -- nothing bores callers as much (or makes them hang up as often) as long voicemail messages Informative -- if it's your professional voicemail, say your name, business, and if necessary, department.

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Website: …Please leave your name, number, and a,to take your call at the moment.

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It makes sense to have an after-hours / weekend voicemail greeting for important teams at your business so that your clients feel confident that they will be taken care of. You may also suggest alternate resources like a help forum, knowledge base, or online chat to support customers while closed, if available.

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I definitely get plenty of voicemail greetings, especially if I call close to the lunch hour, that wouldn't encourage me whatsoever to call back if I were a prospect! I'm going to start working with my clients on their voicemail greetings - what do the seasoned experts out there think they should include and sound like? Are there any guidelines you would suggest? My industry mentor tells me that properties tend to take on the personality of their managers; how do we apply that belief to even the smallest things like voicemail? Colin Hagan Topic Author Posts: 10 Thank you received: 0 Re:Listen to your Voicemail Greeting 10 years 5 months ago #6149 You know, I'm not a big fan of having a voice mail message picking up for the property when the office staff is busy or not there. I think it's a good idea to consider using an answering service or perhaps a third party service that can answer questions, send info, or maybe set appointments. I can understand where a prospective rent may not be inclined to visit a community they call and do not get a live person on the phone. My company does use an answering service and the service is usually successful at getting the name, number, floor plan, and lead source when we are not able to answer. Denny Humphrey Posts: 16 Thank you received: 0 Re:Listen to your Voicemail Greeting 10 years 5 months ago #6152 This is completely personal but I CANNOT stand when I call a place and there voicemail message is longer than 30 seconds... If it's too long I'm hanging up or if someone sounds overly cheerful or bored... Chrissy Surprenant Posts: 118 Thank you received: 1 Re:Listen to your Voicemail Greeting 10 years 5 months ago #6160 I have shopped many properties over the years. Some VM messages are good, some are less than good and some are just plain BAD!! Maybe it's just me, but if the message sends me to the property web site, I get annoyed! I was just on the web site!!Now I'm ready to talk to a real live person!! I have used call centers who answer after so many rings with good and bad results. I am not a fan of the Auto-Systems that answer and give you 20 other choices and when you make a choice, you hear another message! We have about 10 seconds or less to capture a callers attention, sound different from the competition, and make yourself sound interesting enough for them to want to leave a message. The message should be clear, quick and concise. Gerry Hunt Re:Listen to your Voicemail Greeting 10 years 5 months ago #6167 Great points Gerry and Chrissy, I agree totally. Messages should be no more than 30 seconds and even getting close to that mark is too much. Make your point, don't be sales pitch-y and then let them leave the message. For me when I hear an answering machine message I'm just waiting for the tone so I can start talking... I'm really not paying much attention to what they are saying. If voice mail messages were a closing tool we'd have a source code for them. Ha! Bill Szczytko Posts: 64 Thank you received: 0 Re:Listen to your Voicemail Greeting 10 years 5 months ago #6169 Re:Listen to your Voicemail Greeting 10 years 5 months ago #6172 I hate the VM's that start with "press 1 if this is a maintenance emergency." If you are calling to inquire about leasing, the first thing you think is "this place needs maintenance. Danny Soule Posts: 19 Thank you received: 0 Re:Listen to your Voicemail Greeting 10 years 5 months ago #6185 Chrissy, you make me smile!! When a property has a website it should be on all advertising, flyers, and correspondence. The company paid big bucks to have the web site developed; we want to direct folks to it!! It is also a great tool to use when talking to a prospect on the phone. The leasing person can direct the prospect to the site and talk about floor plans and amenities WITH the prospect! In my opinion VM tend to be to long and boring. By the time I call the property, I just want to talk with a PERSON! I have been to the web site, and I don’t want to be directed back to it! Of course, I am also in the business and maybe just a little impatient!! Re:Listen to your Voicemail Greeting 10 years 5 months ago #6188 At least I made you smile... I'm still right though hahaha!! Sorry I had to tease you a little ;)

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