You may also email us at [email]. If you would like one of our team members to call you back, please leave your full name, contact info and number after the beep. Good to hear from you!”
4. Liam Neeson Threatens and Delights Your Callers. Liam Neeson has been acting for decades but it was his recent role in the hit movie Taken that caught the attention of a younger audience.
-This is you-know who. We are you-know-where. Leave your you-know-what you-know-when.
Hey guess who this is? You guessed it. Guess what you have to do now? You guessed it.
Hello, you have reached the food delivery services of X. I am currently speaking to a customer and will not be able to take your call now. If you want some urgent delivery of food items, you can call our other number Y and place your order. Otherwise, kindly leave your details like your name, contact number and your order details so that I can get back to you for confirmation. Thanks for your cooperation.
1.) Bienvenue chez John Doe. Malheureusement, il n’y a personne au bureau actuellement ou vous appelez en dehors des heures de bureau. Laissez un message ou envoyez un email sur mailto:[email protected]. Merci beaucoup pour votre appel.
3.) Bem-vindo a John Doe. No momento não podemos atender a sua ligação ou você está nos ligando fora do horário comercial. Por favor, deixe uma mensagem com seu nome e número de telefone que vamos ligá-lo de volta o mais rápido possível. Obrigado e até breve.
1.) Bem-vindo à John Doe. Infelizmente, não há ninguém no escritório agora ou você está ligando fora do horário comercial. Por favor, deixe uma mensagem ou envie um e-mail para [email protected]. Muito obrigado pela sua ligação.
Below you can hear 2 individual voicemail greeting examples that we did. For more info about our Voicemail Greeting service please visit the custom phone messages site. Voicemail Greetings are the most used telephone messages. The opening hours should be called and maybe your website and/or email address.
Choose words and expressions that complement your business, brand and industry. As an example, a construction company would use words and expressions that convey high quality and solid workmanship; while a florist would use sensory descriptions that arouse smell and beauty.
A formal voicemail greeting is one with a professional tone. It could be for a business or for personal reasons. Formal voicemail greetings are designed to impart a sense of authenticity. They leave the caller with a sense of trust in your abilities, whatever they may be.
My ass and I are out for a walk. So as soon as I can get my ass back in the house, I’ll give you a call. Leave a message till then.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our office is currently operating remotely. Please contact us by email at [insert office email address]
Traditional voicemail services once offered this feature, but visual voicemail (with a visual interface that lets you access messages directly) has mostly eliminated that possibility. If your phone does not have visual voicemail, and you have to call an inbox to hear your messages, you may still be able to use this feature.
The other problem with creating humorous messages is that occasionally someone with actual information will call. Potential employers, current bosses and clergy may not appreciate sitting through a PG-13 outgoing announcement before leaving an important message. Length is another consideration. Many people prefer an answering machine's outgoing message to be as brief and as professional as possible. Unless you own a business where listing hours of operation or contact numbers is important, try not to go past 15 seconds on an outgoing message. Post your comments Please enter the following code: Login: Forgot password? Register:
7.) Willkommen bei Mustermann DE, Ihrem Spezialisten für Musterartikel. Möchten Sie eine Bestellung tätigen? Verwenden Sie bitte die Bestellabwicklung in unserem Online Shop Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bestellung. Für alle anderen Fragen erreichen Sie unseren Service per Email [email protected] Gerne beantworten wir Ihre Anfrage rasch. Besten Dank für Ihren Anruf.
Education Details: Users and departments can customize their extensions with their choice of music, messages, and voicemail greetings. Keep your callers on the line with professionally recorded messages on hold. Keep callers engaged by answering frequently asked questions, such as business hours, locations, or directions.