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Always end with appreciation such as saying thank you. Another way you could end the call is to tell him you know he's busy but you'd appreciate a call back. Whichever way you choose to end your voicemail, make sure you smile as you say it. A mouth that is frowning has a different sound than a smiling mouth.

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"Look, I've had a really bad day. Yesterday too. And tomorrow doesn't look nearly as good. But, uh, if you want, go ahead and say a few words after the gunshot."
Tip: If you’re not sure how to leave a good voicemail, check out the most effective voicemail script ever and how to end a voicemail that keeps the sales conversation open. .

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Business professionals are also encouraged to keep their voicemail organized. Delete any messages from the office phone that are no longer necessary after calls are returned, and write down any phone numbers that are needed at the time the message is listened to. If modern voicemail service is utilized, such as that supplied by Voicemail Office, in which voicemail and fax messages are received in a staff member’s email inbox, the individual should write a short explanation in the body of the email if forwarding any voicemail messages to other staff members.
Voice Prompts – usually combined with a Business Intro announcement, used for Auto Attendant and IVR prompts to provide menu options and assist in telephone navigation.

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5. Holiday Voicemail Greetings. Happy [X holiday]! You've reached [your name] at [X company]. I am currently out of the office, but please leave me your name, phone number, and the reason you are calling, and I’ll return your call after the holidays.
32. Hi, you’ve reached [your name] at [your company]. I’m away from my desk. Please leave your name, number and a message, and I will get right back to you.

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Leave me a message and wait by your phone till I can call you back. Hey, it’s me. I am home, but really trying to avoid someone I don’t like. So if you’ve left me a message and I haven’t called you back, then it’s probably you. Hi there! (pause) I am (your name)’s answering machine. (Your name) is …

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    11.) Benvenuti alla John Doe, purtroppo ci avete chiamato fuori dall’orario di lavoro oppure non possiamo rispondere alla vostra chiamata al momento. Se volete lasciarci un messaggio, si prega di inviare una e-mail a: [email protected] – Vi contatteremo al più presto possibile. Per ulteriori informazioni su di noi, si prega di visitare il nostro sito web: Grazie per la vostra chiamata.

    11.) Добро пожаловать в «Вася Пупкин и Ко», к сожалению, вы позвонили нам в не рабочее время, или мы не можем принять ваш звонок в данный момент. Если вы хотите оставить нам сообщение, то, пожалуйста, обратитесь к нам по электронной почте [email protected] – мы свяжемся с вами как можно скорее. Для получения дополнительной информации о нас, пожалуйста, посетите наш сайт Большое спасибо за ваш звонок.
    After helping tens of thousands of companies set up voicemail systems, we’ve learned that there is no set of rules defining what makes a great business voicemail, but there are definitely some key points that you should aim to hit. Before you hit the record button for your voicemail message, take some of these tips into account:

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    Packages start at $50 for studio-quality, professional phone greetings, prompts & messages on hold.

    20. “Hey there! Thanks for calling [company]. We are unable to answer the phone right now but will get back to you right after the holidays. We hope it’s not an emergency, but if so, we’ve got you covered. Contact us at [company email/other support lines] and we’ll get back to you ASAP. Please be sure to leave your name, phone number, and a brief message to let us know the reason for your call. Thank you and have a great day.” Available even during holiday emergencies? Let your callers know via your voicemail greeting.
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    People may not want to give information about who lives in their home to unknown callers for a variety of reasons. This information may be used by telemarketers who could then ask for you by name when they call again, scammers who might do the same, or people who are not interested in your welfare. Women living alone for instance may use the “we” instead of “I” to suggest more people living in a house, and can even opt for using the machine generated message or computer generated “male voice” instead of their own voice to increase their security at home. For personal security reasons, you might want to avoid indication of children in the home, too, and you certainly shouldn’t mention that you’re on vacation.

    6. After-Hour Options. Thanks for calling [Company Name]. Our offices are currently closed. Our business hours are from Monday to Friday 9 AM to 8 PM Eastern Time, and Saturday 9 AM to 12 PM Eastern.
    5.) Welcome to John Doe. Personally you can reach us Monday to Friday from 7am to 6pm and Saturdays from 10am to 1pm. If you want to place an order or have a question, then please leave your name, customer and phone number. We will call you back as soon as possible. You can always send an email to [email protected]. Many thanks for your call - good bye.

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    Your call is important to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Please leave your full name, contact details, phone number, and availability after the beep and we will call you back straight away. Thank you!”

    Tone - select the right tone for your business brand. If your target market are young millennials, then the script would most likely include some slang words, be quite laid back and the script would be recorded in an energetic tone. If you primarily service the business market, then the script would be more articulate and recorded with a more professional tone.
    1. 15 Professional Voicemail Greetings to Engage Your Callers. Sorry about your luck. If this is an emergency, hang up and call someone who can help you now.

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12.( مرحبا بكم في .JohnDoe يمكنكم الاتصال بنا من الإثنين إلى الجمعة من الساعة 08:00 إلى 12:30 زولا ومن الواحدة زوالا إلى 04:30 مساءا. لا يمكننا الرد على مكالمتكم شخصيا في الوقت الراهن. يرجى ترك رسالة مرفوقة باسمكم ورقم هاتفكم ونحن سنتصل بكم في أقرب وقت ممكن. في الحالات العاجلة يمكنكم الاتصال بنا على الرقم 1211 -91039 0821. شكرا جزيلا.

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To set up your voicemail, press #55 or *68 from your home phone or call the retrieval number you received with your welcome letter. Voice prompts will guide you through the rest of the steps.

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Information: Your business voicemail should provide all the information the caller needs. ...Validation: A great professional voicemail greeting should thank the caller for their call and apologize for missing it. ...Motivation: The aim of a professional voicemail is to keep the caller on the line long enough to listen to your message. ...

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Please leave me a message, and I will return your call upon my return. Thank you for calling. Hi, this is Jim Smith. I am currently out of town and will be returning on July 14. If you leave me a message that includes your name, telephone number and reason for calling, I will return your call when I get back. You have reached Jim Smith.

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