12.) Herzliche Willkommen bei der Mustermann GmbH. Wir sind Montag bis Freitag von 8 Uhr bis 12.30 Uhr und 13 Uhr bis 16.30 Uhr zu erreichen. Wir können Ihren Anruf derzeit leider nicht persönlich entgegen nehmen. Sie können uns jedoch gerne eine Nachricht hinterlassen. Bitte teilen Sie uns Ihren Namen und Ihre Rufnummer mit.Wir rufen Sie dann zurück.In dringenden Fällen erreichen Sie uns unter folgender Rufnummer 0821 91039- 1211. Vielen Dank.
These were just some ideas for voicemail greeting. You can definitely include your own creativity to them and make them your personal answering machine greeting. The choices are endless when you start thinking of how to add some oomph to your machine.
9. Holiday Closures. Thank you for calling [Company Name]; we are currently closed in observance of [holiday name]. We will return on [Date] at 8 AM Eastern Time.
12.) Bienvenido/a a John Doe. Puede contactar con nosotros de lunes a viernes de 8:00h a 12:30h y de 13:00h a 16:30h. En estos momentos no podemos atenderle personalmente. Por favor, deje un mensaje con su nombre y número de teléfono y le devolveremos la llamada tan pronto como sea posible. Para casos urgentes puede contactarnos al teléfono 0821 91039- 1211. Muchas gracias.
This is not an answering machine–this is a telepathic thought-recording device. After the tone, think about your name, your reason for calling, and a number where I can reach you, and I’ll think about returning your call.
You might call this one a sign of Potomac Fever. To the tune of "Hail to the Chief": "We are not in the Oval Office at this time. We will, to the best of our abilities, faithfully execute the task of calling you back, so help us God."
You might also consider giving them the option to skip your voicemail message completely by pressing another key (again, check with IT). You also want to make callers aware what you will return their call, instead of telling them that you will try to return their call--and let them know when you are likely to do it, if possible. If necessary, provide additional or emergency information in your voicemail greetings. My dentist, for example, lists his cell phone number for emergencies.
"If you are a burglar, then we're at home cleaning our weapons and can't come to the phone. Otherwise, we probably aren't home and it's safe to leave us a message."
Or say that your brand is on a holiday, you can’t miss out on leads because you know their value on your business.
Crafting the perfect voicemail greeting is not as easy as it may seem at first glance, depending on the type of greeting: Business, funny, professional, formal, and informal, you need. Below, we’ve included some tips in creating the perfect voicemail greeting. Go over them, then when you complete your final voicemail script, revisit these tips again to make certain you’ve covered all the bases.
Your phone system can be a powerful marketing tool for your business, and that includes your voicemail greeting. If you want to utilize this opportunity to throw in a quick humblebrag and keep callers informed of your awards and accolades, there are a few best practices, you should follow. First, keep the self-promotion brief and appropriately placed within your voicemail message. Don’t promote yourself and your products/services in the same greeting, and finally, only include current achievements in your business voicemail greeting.
19. “Thank you for calling [company]. We’re closed for [holiday] from [date] until [date]. Please leave your message and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Have a happy holiday!”
Virtual events are very much like many other kinds of meetings; only they take place over the internet. This technology allows visitors and businesses to collaborate, share information, connect with...
Please leave us a message with your name, number, and any other necessary information, and we will return your call when the office reopens. Thank you for calling." As you can see, this professional voicemail greeting is similar to the absent receptionist greeting but more inclusive.
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Communicate the same information to a group of people at once. This feature only works with other CenturyLink voicemail users, so you'll need to ask the others in your group if they also have this service.