Say that your prospects want to speak to the sales department and so when they realize that they have reached the right department and hear the voicemail messages, they will be compelled to leave their contact details so that the sales team can reach out to them later. They will be relieved.
Hi! John’s answering machine is broken. This is his refrigerator. Please speak very slowly, and I’ll stick your message to myself with one of these magnets.
You might also consider giving them the option to skip your voicemail message completely by pressing another key (again, check with IT). You also want to make callers aware what you will return their call, instead of telling them that you will try to return their call--and let them know when you are likely to do it, if possible. If necessary, provide additional or emergency information in your voicemail greetings. My dentist, for example, lists his cell phone number for emergencies.
Here, the pet care company leaves multiple options to fulfill the needs of the callers. They also have the option for attending to callers with immediate needs.
› Url: Go Now
You've reached 737-0275. At the sound of the tone, telephone solicitors will be shot.
16. "Hmm. Gryffindor … No, Ravenclaw. Yes, you definitely belong in Ravenclaw. *Pause.* Okay, you haven't reached the Sorting Hat — it's the voicemail of [your name]. Please leave your name and number (and just for fun, the Harry Potter house you think you belong in) and I'll return your call as soon as possible."
Hello, this is (your name). I’m sorry but you’ve reached my old number. Call me on (your new number) and I will try to take your call. If you can’t reach me there as well, leave me your name, number, and reason for call. Thank you.
That’s the simple structure of a voicemail greeting. Overall, your greeting should be professional, but the wording can vary depending on the situation. Check out a sample below.
Education Details: General voicemail greeting: used as the default voicemail greeting if no other greeting type is set. Internal voicemail greeting: used to greet people who call your department from within your own company (i.e. from another extension).Generally, this is only applicable to very large companies. External voicemail greeting: played for people who call from outside …
Hi there! (pause) I am (your name)’s answering machine. (Your name) is not here at the moment. So, why don’t we chat for sometime? beep
2. The Simpsons Share a Funny Answering Greeting. If you’re looking for a short and simple message, we suggest turning to Homer Simpson as he tells callers to… leave a message.
HI, you’ve reached (name). I’m so sorry I can’t pick up the call right now because I am standing right behind you. GOTCHA.
As you can see by reading our article on how to write the best voicemail greetings, they’re a bit more complex than one might imagine. There are important elements that cannot be left out, as to do so could cost you valuable business contacts. We realize this, so have included a selection of more funny, professional, and personal greeting examples, in MS Word and PDF format. By using these voicemail greetings, you’ll be well on your way to craft a greeting that will be pleasant to hear, provide the correct information, as well as requesting the correct information.
Telling a quick joke or including a little more information can keep you safely within the 20-second timeframe while letting the caller understand a little more about you.
Education Details: Voicemail greetingsWork Struggling to set up a cute professional voicemail message - have a look at the following samples ;) #businessenglish#english#maenglishbooster# Saved by MA English …
If you are recording a voicemail message for business, be sure you include your name and your company's name, so people know who they are calling and were they are reaching them. If you do not include the business name, they may think they have mistakenly called you at your personal number. You will also want to make sure to give callers the option to speak to someone who is currently available, an operator or other representative, by pressing a certain key (check with IT personnel to see what this might be).