In all there is plenty to consider when you’re recording an answering machine greeting. If you’re aiming toward a more secure home, you can use a very basic message. If you are really funny, and friends and family mostly use the phone line, maybe funny is the best way to go. For businesses, stick with the bare facts that give enough information to callers about when their call is likely to be returned or when they should call again. Tricia Christensen
10.) Guten Tag. Sie sind verbunden mit der Mustermann GmbH. Aus technischen Gründen können wir im Moment Ihren Anruf leider nicht persönlich entgegennehmen. Wir hoffen sehr auf Ihr Verständnis und arbeiten mit Hochdruck an einer Lösung. Wenn Sie möchten, können Sie uns gerne eine Nachricht über unsere Homepage zukommen lassen. Vielen Dank und auf Wiederhören.
3.) Benvenuti alla John Doe. Al momento non possiamo rispondere personalmente alla vostra chiamata, oppure ci state chiamando fuori dall’orario di lavoro. Si prega di lasciare un messaggio con il vostro nome e numero di telefono – vi richiameremo al più presto possibile. Grazie e arrivederci.
These business voicemail greetings will do the trick. 10. "Hello, you've reached [X company]. We can't take your call right now, but please leave your name, contact information, and reason for reaching out, and one of our team members will be in …
MightyCall provides such an answer for businesses. With simple, visually-based call flows, adapting your voicemail messages for different customers and even different times of day demands no tech knowledge and no hardware. Try MightyCall’s business phone system free for 7 days, or book a live demo today.
Get sample voicemail messages if you are not sure what voicemail messages to put on your phone for listeners or callers as the welcome on your answering machine. Getting sample voicemail messages first before deciding on one, allow you also to pick the right one to suit your needs and reflect the impression you want to convey.
10.) Olá e bem-vindo para John Doe. Por motivos técnicos, não podemos atender a sua chamada no momento. Obrigado por sua compreensão. Estamos trabalhando em uma solução. Se você quiser, você pode deixar uma mensagem em nosso site = Obrigado e até breve.
2. Straight To The Point Voicemail Greetings. (Insert name) is either away from their desk or on another call. Leave your name, number, and a brief message and (insert name) will return your call within (insert timeframe.)
Happy [Monday!] You’ve reached [Jessica on the Business Development Team at LinkedPhone]. I’m presently out of the office [for a meeting until late this afternoon]. Please include your name, number and the reason for your call and I’ll get back to you ASAP. Thank you and have a fantastic day!
The basic rule of thumb is that callers should hear one of two things when they first connect with your voicemail — either an apology for not being able to answer the call or a “thank you” for having called. You can do both if you prefer, but keep it short and to the point.
The other problem with creating humorous messages is that occasionally someone with actual information will call. Potential employers, current bosses and clergy may not appreciate sitting through a PG-13 outgoing announcement before leaving an important message. Length is another consideration. Many people prefer an answering machine's outgoing message to be as brief and as professional as possible. Unless you own a business where listing hours of operation or contact numbers is important, try not to go past 15 seconds on an outgoing message. Post your comments Please enter the following code: Login: Forgot password? Register:
17. “Happy Holidays from [company name]. Our hours are a little bit different this holiday season. [List hours]. We hope it’s not an emergency, but if so, we’ve got you covered. Contact us at [company email/other support lines] and we’ll get back to you ASAP. For all other inquiries, we’ll contact you when we are back from the holiday – we might be a few pounds heavier but eager to speak with you! Happy Holidays.” Things happen during the holidays, we know. Let your callers know you are still there just in case!
6.) Bienvenue chez John Doe. A cause d’une maintenance, nous ne pouvons pas prendre votre appel en ce moment. Nous vous invitons à nous envoyer un email à [email protected]. Nous répondrons dès que possible à votre email. Nous nous excusons pour la restriction temporaire ! Merci de votre compréhension.
1.( مرحبا بكم في .JohnDoe للأسف، لا يوجد أحد في المكتب في الوقت الراهن أو أنكم تتصلون خارج ساعات العمل. يرجى ترك رسالة أو إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى [email protected] شكرا جزيلا لاتصالكم.
1.) Herzlich willkommen bei der Mustermann GmbH. Leider ist das Büro derzeit nicht besetzt oder Sie rufen ausserhalb der Geschäftszeiten an. Sie können aber gerne eine Nachricht hinterlassen, oder eine Email an [email protected] schreiben. Vielen Dank für Ihren Anruf.
Callers don’t have the luxury of seeing the script laid out in front of them while they’re listening to the various menu options. With this in mind, it’s important to use language that’s easy for callers to comprehend the first time they hear it.