(From my Japanese friend in Toronto) He-lo! This is Sa-to. If you leave message, I call you soon. If you leave *sexy* message, I call sooner!
Joe and Serena Toro win the door prize for honesty. For several years after their youngest child went off to college, the Toro tape said: "You have reached the empty nest of Joe and Serena Toro. We can't take your call right now because we are celebrating our freedom. Please leave a message."
This is frustrating on many levels because it leaves you wondering if there is a need to take a different route to get an answer to a problem or to just wait for the return phone call. When leaving a voicemail message, there are 7 pieces of information that can help the caller. 7 Things to Include in a Voice-mail Message 1. Identify the Voice
-Hello. I’m sorry I didn’t answer your call. I’m just waiting for more important people to call. If I hear your message and deem you worthy of the title “important,” I will think about calling you back, but for now. Bye! -Beep-
Hey, sorry I missed you. There may be one of the reasons why I can’t get to the phone: a) I’m with my girl (laugh), b) I am totally wasted and can’t remember how to use a phone, or c) I just don’t wanna talk to YOU. Leave a message.
3. "Hey, this is [your name]. If you're calling for [X reason], please [contact so-and-so] or [go to our website, send me an email]. For all other inquiries, leave your name and a brief message and I'll call you back within [one, two, three] business day[s]."
In the case that your business is closed due to an emergency, it's only worth it to go into detail if the problem is affecting everyone in the area. Otherwise, stick to your Company Wide Voicemail Greeting, but remove the stated hours and tell callers that you're currently closed. Thank you for calling Cutlass Technology. Our store is currently closed. Please leave your name and phone number so that someone from our team can follow up with you. For more information, please visit www.cutlasstechnology.com
-Hi. I’m probably home. I’m just avoiding someone I don’t like. Leave me a message, and if I don’t call back, it’s you.
4.) Benvenuti alla John Doe. Potete raggiugerci personalmente durante il nostro orario d’ufficio, dal Lunedì al Giovedì dalle 9am a mezzogiorno e dalle 2pm alle 4pm, e il Venerdì dalle 9am a mezzogiorno. Siete invitati a riferirci la vostra richiesta tramite e-mail a: [email protected] e vi risponderemo al più presto possibile - Grazie.
In all there is plenty to consider when you’re recording an answering machine greeting. If you’re aiming toward a more secure home, you can use a very basic message. If you are really funny, and friends and family mostly use the phone line, maybe funny is the best way to go. For businesses, stick with the bare facts that give enough information to callers about when their call is likely to be returned or when they should call again. Tricia Christensen
Here's the problem with recording elaborate joke messages on your answering machine: Your answering machine will become more popular than the person who owns it. Friends would tell total strangers to call my number and listen to the new goofy message. They would become disappointed if I actually answered the call first. I would have to hang up and let the machine pick up just for other people's entertainment. Dozens of people were finally calling my home phone, but few of them wanted to talk to me personally.
From the Skype for Business desktop app (if you are running Click-2-Run build C2R 8201.1002 or later), select Set Up Voice Mail. Change your Call Answering Rules You can change what options your callers have when they reach the voicemail service; get disconnected, hear your greeting, record a message, choose to be transferred to the number or user you select. Change your prompt language This is the prompt language that is played to callers. For list of supported languages, see Languages for voicemail greetings and messages from Skype for Business. Configure your Out of Office greeting This is the customized greeting message that is played to callers when your status is Out of Office. This option can be activated "Always," when you have an active "Auto Reply" in Outlook, or whenever you have an out-of-office calendar appointment. Where you can get your voicemail messages from
Listing Results Sample Telephone Answering Machine Messages 48 Results Phone number Mobile phone Contact us Customer service
Funny voicemail messages are an excellent alternative for people that are looking for that unique touch for something that seems really mundane. If you’re having trouble coming up with your own then you can check out some of the funny voicemail messages below.
Hi! I’m not here right now, I seem to have broken my tomatoes…You wouldn’t happen to have any tomato paste on you, would ya?
Website: https://www.holdcom.com/script-samples/voicemail-greeting-sample-scripts/
Answering machine messages samples are the messages that are the recorded on various mobile phones; other communications machines etc and are heard by the caller or a user at the Read More Crazy Answering Machine Messages